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Create dynamic routes with next.js

  • Next.js supports dynamic pages using [] in the filename to define the dynamic part of the route
  • Create a folder called posts, and within it create a file called posts/[title].tsx
import { Article } from "../../components/Article";
export default function Post() {
return (
<h1>Post title</h1>
<p>Lorem ipsum</p>
  • This creates a function Post that renders an article component at any url we provide under the posts directory.
  • To render dynamic content from the route we need to use useRouter and assign it to a variable
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
  • To use the data from the router, assign it to a variable then log out the query component to see what's contained inside of it:
const router = useRouter();
  • In the conosle we'll see that there is a title variable, we can assign that to a variable and render it to the page:
const {title} = router.query
<h1>Post Title: {title}</h1>
  • Note that url parameters are also passed to the router and are available in the query object.

Adding absolute imports to Next.js app

  • Next.js supports absolute imports
  • 📜 Next.js Documentation
  • To add absolute imports, go to tsconfig.json and add the following key: value pairs:
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": "./",
"paths": {
"@components/*": ["components/*"]
  • Now whenever we import a component from components/ we can import it with @components/* where * is the file name.
  • Let's refactor our code so wherever we were importing our Article component, we can now import { Article } from '@components/Article

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